Cassidy Dumas


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Meet Cassidy

Born and raised in Southern California, Cassidy relocated to Los Angeles to dominate the real estate market. Personable, bubbly, thorough, and extremely easy to work with, Cassidy loves getting her clients into the homes they deserve. She says, "At a young age, I distinctly remember asking my father to take me to open houses on the weekends. I would analyze every home, point out my likes and dislikes, and decide if I would want to raise a family there one day. It was my favorite pastime." The strong passion for real estate would materialize later in life. Following her lifelong fascination, she leaped and is now a leading force within the luxury real estate industry. She began to study the various city neighborhoods and what makes each unique as far as market value, architectural styles, and proximity to the amenities of Los Angeles.
In addition to her exceptional communication skills, professionalism, and keen eye for detail, Cassidy's commitment to her client's satisfaction is the fuel for her business. She builds rapport with her clients by carefully listening to them, asking the right questions, and nurturing authentic relationships. With a dedication to collaboration and a genuine passion for people, Cassidy offers premier service that sets her apart. She shows immense gratitude for her clients who entrust their largest assets with her and often finds herself doing repeat business with past clients. Passion is the key ingredient in her recipe for success. When she's not focused on work, Cassidy would describe her perfect day off by starting her morning with a hike to spend more time in nature and using these moments to decompress. She loves to spend her free afternoons discovering new restaurants and trying new foods with her close friends. Finishing her day at home, you can usually find her cozy on the couch with a good romantic novel.


Luxury real estate means going above and beyond the client’s expectations. Whatever luxury means to you, we are here to help you seek it. Experience luxury with us.