Derek Cardoza


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Meet Derek


Derek Cardoza is a distinguished real estate advisor with a deep appreciation for architecture and design. Having successfully brokered millions in real estate transactions, he has earned a reputation for navigating even the most intricate deals with discretion and precision, including the confidential sale of the iconic John Lautner-designed Alden Schwimmer Residence in Beverly Hills.

Derek’s expertise extends far beyond transactional acumen; he is a trusted strategist who combines market intelligence with an intuitive understanding of his clients’ needs. His approach is defined by an unwavering commitment to integrity, diligence, and ethical representation—qualities that have made him an invaluable resource in the luxury real estate market.

His ability to foster lasting relationships is rooted in a refined skill set honed over years of working closely with elite clientele. With an innate ability to anticipate challenges and devise creative solutions, Derek ensures that every transaction is executed with the highest level of care and professionalism. His meticulous attention to detail, coupled with an instinctive grasp of negotiation, allows him to advocate for his clients with both strength and discretion.

Backed by an extensive network of local and international connections, Derek is uniquely positioned to provide unparalleled service to buyers and sellers alike. Whether brokering a historic architectural masterpiece or securing the perfect residence for a sophisticated client, he operates with an unwavering dedication to achieving superior results.


Luxury real estate means going above and beyond the client’s expectations. Whatever luxury means to you, we are here to help you seek it. Experience luxury with us.